Thursday 5 June 2008

Madonna: 'Britney Spears Was Made To Grow Up Too Fast'

Madonna believes that Britney Spears’ destructive path is the result of becoming an adult too quick and never having a proper childhood.

The Hard Candy singer, who has collaborated with Spear’s ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake on her new record, claims that having a constant spotlight on her during the pop wreck’s teen years never gave her the chance to grow up properly.


She explains: "I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that she was never allowed to have a childhood. She didn't get to grow up and make mistakes privately and try things out and just be a kid and be innocent.

"She's been watched, judged and been under a microscope since she's been a teenager. It's hard to evolve that way."

The 49-year-old mother-of-three is determined to keep her own kids on the right path, even if she was somehwat of a wild child: "I just remind them about all the things that they have, and that if I didn't do what I did they wouldn't have those things."

And she's convinced her kids have no interest in becoming as famous as mum or Spears: "They're sort of over it. They like to skateboard around (but) they get to travel a lot, they get to do a lot of interesting things and meet a lot of interesting people."

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